John Wong, K6JE - SK
John Wong, K6JE, our club Secretary and Trustee, passed away on August 19, 2022.
John was 95 years old and was very active for his age.
His wife, Yoshie, N6GDP, will honor his request and grant his
call sign to the FPRA repeater organization
to allow his call sign to continue his legacy.

Walt Del Conte, W6EKR, SK
Walt passed away 12/19/2024. He was one of the founding members
of FPRA back in 1977. Walt also served for some time, as the
DEC for Amateur Radio Emergency Service in Monterey County
and established and obtained the EOC's radio license and installed an
Amateur radio station at the County EOC in Salinas, CA
Open access for Monterey and surrounding counties.
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